My life, my writes... and, of course, an attempt at wit!

April 30, 2013


I sat alone directly across to the young couple, so I was forced to view the spectacle that ensured I was 'mentally tortured' all through the evening.
They clung close and whispered what I imagined to be sweet, endearing words to each other. No use maintaining such proximity if they were going to be spilling vitriol all over themselves. They pecked, kissed, giggled playfully and kissed some more while taking turns to give each other sips of Pina-Colada. All this was only adding to the already pent-up irritation I was feeling. At a time, I was beginning to get the impression they were delighting at my discomfort and putting on this show specifically for that reason. The thought only served to further heighten my irk; silently I prayed for any form of distraction, anyone or anything that would take me away from there and out of my misery but fate seemed to be conspiring against me and none came forth.

Just as I was getting to the point where I could not bear it any longer, the young man got to his feet and lovingly took his lady’s hand, she got on her feet and wrapped her arm around his waist. A pair of matching smiles and happily dancing eyes that could light up a dark room greeted me as they silently mouthed their good nights and made their way to the exit, their radiant buzz of joy all too evident for everyone to see.
The relief I had anticipated would come upon their departure never came. Instead there was a deep gnawing inside of me. My eyes settled on the empty space in front of me that they had just vacated and suddenly the room felt larger and I, as tiny as a speck of dust. There and then, I felt it… I felt alone!

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