My life, my writes... and, of course, an attempt at wit!

February 01, 2011

Still the one...

Its only been a couple of months, two precisely, since fate stripped my world of you for good but it seems like a lifetime and with each passing day this gulf of emptiness expands a million miles more. The tears are longer in my eyes; they didn’t come easy – never do and even so, in tiny rivulets that ran out too fast and dried up too quickly… but deeper down inside, they still rain in torrents and remind me of what I had so close yet never really possessed; the chest in my care, treasures bequeathed another.

For the better part of “our” decade, I was embroiled in a warfare entirely mine. Me, ferociously fending off that rage that festered within even as the love grew and grew. How could you not see all the love inside of me? For so long I ignored that bitter voice in my head that so desperately wanted to scream at you with the last ounce of air in my lungs, make irrevocably the declaration of my undying love so that you and the entire world will see, hear, know and forever remove any alibi for denial. Was that my mistake!?
Well, all that is gone now and I can’t say what it is I live for these days but there was a time when it was all about you. You were so much more than everything to me; I built my whole world around you, fed off the words from your lips… the apple of my eye, the shine that eclipsed that fiery golden globe called the sun. An awful lot has changed since I woke to find you gone but then again the feelings haven’t. I still dream about you, still long for you by my side…even though you are in the arms of another, you’re still the one!